The Dispatch – Issue #10

As the eagle eyed amongst you may have noticed with the ingenious renaming of the subject line, the newsletter will now be published on a weekly basis rather than daily. This gives more scope to summarise the week's news and updates, particularly pertaining to what it means for freight rates between Asia and the UK, and on that note…
There are signs that the continued rise in long-term liner contract rates is finally losing steam after nearly 15 consecutive months. You can read more in the Loadstars' article below. Our take on the current situation is similar, though it’s clouded by the current lull in updates over the Chinese New Year break.
XSI® - C
Report a figure of $14,521 per 40’ container (FEU) dated 28/01/22 (up 0.42%)

Report a figure of $14,999 per 40’ container (FEU) dated 28/01/22 (up 3%)

I would say these are in line with what rates are being offered through prepaid options in China, though there are also some lower options available ($12K – $13k) though port pairings and equipment availability may be restricted.

Liner schedule reliability falls off a cliff - here's what that cliff looks like
— Sam Chambers (@SamChambers) January 31, 2022
What really happens to Amazon returns via @CNBC
— Cathy Roberson (@cmroberson06) January 30, 2022
Speaking of returns, last push for more responses to @RL_Association's returns index survey please -
Delivering a single banana, in under 20 minutes, for free, is just not sustainable.
— Matthew Hertz (@mattahertz) January 31, 2022
Expect to see gravity, always, eventually, win.
Here is what you missed, if you missed the first session. Amazing capacity of putting key concepts and issues onto one page. Thank you @UNCTAD_TLB and all partners of our Forum.
— Jan Hoffmann (@JanHoffmann_gva) February 1, 2022