The Dispatch - Issue #11

Things are starting to move after Chinese New Year, whilst pricing remains pretty much as it was before, there are more and more mutterings that rates might start to drop. It will be interesting to see how the 12 & 24 month fixed deals agreed by some play out with the spot market in a few months.
XSI® - C
Report a figure of $14,265 per 40’ container (FEU) dated 09/02/22 (down 5.79%)

Report a figure of $14,483 per 40’ container (FEU) dated 11/02/22 (down 2%)


1/6 Americans aren't sure the Earth is round #chartoftheweek
— Scott Galloway (@profgalloway) February 7, 2022
I did a little calculation, and now have a question:
— Jan Hoffmann (@JanHoffmann_gva) February 3, 2022
Why did container spot freight rates to Europe go up more than those to North America?
(note: unweighted averages of the various routes within each region)
The core of the reason container freight rates continue to be highly elevated: capacity removed from the system due to congestion idling ships, containers and chassis. This is very much continuing, says @McKinsey #TPM22
— Peter Tirschwell (@PeterTirschwell) February 3, 2022
Countries connected to their primary trading partner (2020).
— Ryan Petersen (@typesfast) February 3, 2022
Just can’t escape that logistics life…
— Eric Johnson (@LogTechEric) February 2, 2022